OK, it was Tuesday, March 11, 2025, on or about 2:27 p.m. on a very nice, sunny day in early spring.
I had not purchased a single plant all year, much less a pansy.
Not even feeling guilty about it.
Although I had been peeking at a few catalogs…Thinking. Planning. A little bit.
So, here I was driving past B.J. McCoy’s Nursery on Indiana Hwy. 62 and glanced over and saw some flowers. And kept going.
Yes, I did.
Barely slowed down.
I am driving a little farther on Hwy 62, and thinking it’s March 11, 2025, and I have not yet purchased a single plant all year.
Nothing. Nada.
Then I am dealing with this ocean of pride in myself for such early spring stoicism mixed with “what the hell, it’s a beautiful sunny day in early March, and I’m a gardener so I gotta buy something.”
What if all the 2025 early spring. flowers were sold out before I could get any?
So, I make a slightly illegal U turn at the next light and go back to B.J McCoy’s nursery and buy a mixed pack of pulchritudinous pansies.
Even bought em’ from B.J., herself.
Short and horticulturally explicit.
Feel good flowers. Nicely priced. The early spring kind.
Bob Hill, Garden Ranter Emeritus, is an award-winning journalist with 4,000 columns under his belt in a 33-year career. All tapped out with two fingers. He is the recipient of the Ernie Pyle Award for the “ability to connect with people and tell their stories.” He is also the author of 14 books. His latest is a memoir called “OUT HERE: ENCOUNTERS FROM THE HEART, SOUL AND LEFT FIELD.” Kentucky essayist, poet and novelist Wendell Berry recently wrote Bob a handwritten letter and said,
You are a readable writer and a likeable writer which is to say a good writer. This book is not recommended for people who need to quit reading and go to work.”
“Out Here clearly is the right place for you.”
Yes, Peace
Pansy impulse control? Forget about it. originally appeared on GardenRant on March 14, 2025.
The post Pansy impulse control? Forget about it. appeared first on GardenRant.
* This article was originally published here
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