How to grow magnolias

September 26, 2024

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Magnolia x soulangeana 'Alexandrina'

Magnolias are beautiful shrubs and ornamental trees that bring a touch of show-stopping glamour to the garden. Their sumptuous, tulip- or star-like flower colours range from pure white through pink to deep magenta – and even yellow. Many also have a lovely fragrance.

Magnolias can be deciduous or evergreen, and range in size from small shrubs to large trees. Many flower in spring, but some flower in summer.

Magnolia trees and larger shrubs are ideal for growing as standalone trees, while the smaller magnolia trees such as Magnolia stellata look good in a border or make good trees for pots. Read more about trees for small gardens. Evergreen magnolias, such as Magnolia grandiflora, can be trained against a wall.

A magnolia bush or tree is a long-term investment – they are slow growing and can take 10-20 years to reach their ultimate size. It’s therefore worth taking the time to choose the right variety for your garden. The flowers, ultimate size and the conditions in your garden will determine which magnolia you grow. If it’s happy, it will thrive and reward you with a fantastic display of flowers.

How to grow magnolias

Most magnolias do best in acidic to neutral soil. If you don’t have the right soil in your garden, or don’t have room for a large tree, the smaller magnolias grow well in pots.

Magnolias need a sheltered spot, away from strong winds. Avoid frost pockets, as frost can damage the flowers in spring. A spot that gets plenty of sun will ensure a good display of flowers.

Prune lightly in mid-summer to early autumn. Ensure the soil does not dry out in summer.

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Where to grow magnolias

How to grow magnolias - Magnolia Sprengeri 'Diva'
Magnolia sprengeri ‘Diva’

Magnolias grow best in fertile, free-draining, slightly acidic soil in full sun. Choose a sheltered spot that is not in a low-lying frost pocket as frost can damage the flowers. If you live in a cold part of the country, choose a variety that flowers later.

Bear in mind the eventual height and spread of the tree, and make sure that you have allowed enough room for it as some magnolias can grow very large. If you’re concerned about growing a magnolia near the house, opt for a small tree, such as Magnolia stellata. If you have alkaline soil, grow Magnolia grandiflora or Magnolia delavayi.

How to plant magnolias

Magnolias are best planted in autumn or late spring. They have shallow roots, so you don’t need to dig a very deep hole, so dig a generous hole to the same depth of the pot that your magnolia comes in. Avoid damaging the fleshy roots, as this can inhibit flowering. Add well-rotted garden compost or leaf mould around it, and check the level of the plant so that the point where it has been grafted is not below the soil. Gently firm in the plant with your heel and water in well. Mulch with an acidic mulch such as bark or garden compost. Keep the plant well watered while it establishes.

In the video below, Monty Don demonstrates how to plant a magnolia in a border, explaining the best way to prepare the planting hole, what type of soil it needs and how to ensure that it settles in well. He also recommends a compact variety with gorgeous dark-pink flowers, ideal for a small garden.

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Where to buy magnolias online

How to care for magnolias

How to grow magnolias - Magnolia × loebneri Leonard Messel
Magnolia × loebneri ‘Leonard Messel’

Pruning magnolias is best done after they have flowered to remove broken, diseased or crossing branches. Magnolias don’t respond well to hard pruning and may cease flowering afterwards. So if you do have to restrict the size of your shrub or tree, or renovate it, do this over a few years, pruning only a few branches at a time to avoid stressing it.

Mulch in spring with manure, composted pine bark or leaf mould. Ensure that the plant does not dry out in summer.

How to propagate magnolias

Magnolia shrubs are propagated by layering. They can also be propagated by cuttings, but they may need extra heat and light in winter.

Deciduous magnolias can be propagated by taking softwood cuttings in early summer, and evergreen varieties by semi-ripe cuttings in late summer and autumn.

Magnolias: problem solving

The most common problem when growing magnolias is a lack of flowers. Young magnolias can take several years to flower, so be patient. Make sure you have the right soil – neutral to acidic, not alkaline – and plant them in the right spot. Magnolias need plenty of sunshine and shelter from strong winds and frosts, which can damage the flowers. Heavy pruning in summer will remove the developing flower buds and will also stress the tree, preventing it from flowering. Lack of water can also stress the tree.

Blackened foliage is due to frost damage. New magnolia leaves should resprout when the weather warms.

Catherine Mansley from BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine, explains why magnolias may not always flower and how to encourage them to do so, in our Quick Tips video, below.

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Magnolias rarely suffer from pests, but can be prone to a few fungal diseases.

Honey fungus can spread underground, and attack and kill the roots of magnolia, eventually killing the plant. Symptoms to look out for include die-back, pale foliage, an absence of flowers, bleeding and cracking bark. 

Phytophthora root rot can cause similar symptoms to honey fungus, including sparse foliage and die-back. It can be a problem on heavy or waterlogged soils.

Bracket fungus also causes dieback, as well as thinning of the tree crown. You will also spot large fungi on the branches of the trees. By the time these appears, there will have been extensive decay in the heart of the branch, which may fall off.

In all three cases, there is little you can do. You may need to dig up the plant and the surrounding soil, and replace with a different shrub or tree that is less prone to fungal problems.

Advice on buying magnolia

  • Magnolias are available in garden centres and nurseries, as well as specialist nurseries. Bear in mind that you will get a better selection at a specialist nursery
  • Check that you have the right conditions to grow a magnolia. Most need slightly acidic soil to thrive. A good rule of thumb is to check whether magnolias are growing in front gardens in your area
  • Bear in mind that your plant may take several years to flower. Many are sold on a grafted rootstock and should flower after three to five years
  • If you live in a frost pocket or in the north of the UK, choose a variety that flowers in late April or May to avoid frost damage to the buds. Varieties include ‘Caerhays Surprise’ and ‘Apollo’
  • Research the ultimate height and spread of your magnolia. Although they are slow growing, taking 10 or even 20 years to reach their ultimate height, you need to remember this when buying
  • Buy as mature a plant as you can afford – it will establish better. Add plenty of organic matter when planting and do not let the plant dry out in summer

Where to buy magnolia online

Magnolia varieties to grow

Magnolia stellata
Magnolia stellata

Best magnolia for a small garden or pot

Magnolia stellata is a great small magnolia tree for a smaller garden or a container, in sun or shade. It’s a deciduous shrub with star-shaped blooms that appear before the leaves, in early spring. They have a very light fragrance.  There are several varieties to choose from, including the white-flowered Magnolia stellata ‘Centennial’ and the pale-pink Magnolia stellata ‘Jane Platt’.

Height x spread: 4m x 3m

Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Alexandrina’ has goblet-shaped, pink flowers that are darker at the base than at the tips of the petals. It remains a manageable shrub size for many years.

H x S: 6m x 6m

Carol Klein's trees for spring blossom - magnolia 'Leonard Messel'
Magnolia ‘Leonard Messel’

Magnolias for medium-sized gardens

Magnolia ‘Apollo’ has huge, dark-pink flowers that fade once open to pale pink and white. It forms an open, spreading and often multi-stemmed small tree.

H x S: 6m x 5m 

Magnolia x loebneri ‘Leonard Messel’ bears pale-pink, goblet-shaped flowers that become more star-shaped as they open. It remains a manageable size for many years.

H x S: 8m x 6m

Magnolia sieboldii
Magnolia sieboldii

Magnolias for large gardens

Magnolia sieboldii, or the Chinese magnolia, is a very hardy, deciduous species. The scented flowers are cup-shaped and large with deep-maroon centres. They have a long flowering season from May to September, and the foliage is attractive and glossy. It makes a great statement tree.

H x S: 6m x 8m

Magnolia × brooklynensis ‘Woodsman’ is an unusual magnolia, with multi-coloured spring flowers in pink, white and green. 

H x S: 10m x 6m

Best magnolias for alkaline or chalky soil

Magnolia grandiflora is a large evergreen that produces large, white, lemon-scented flowers in August and September. An impressive, stately plant, grow it against a sunny wall, where it will appreciate the heat. It tolerates more alkaline and chalky soils. It can eventually grow very large. H x S: 15m x 15m.

MagnoliaGoldfinch’ has unusual yellow flowers in late spring. H x S: 10m x 10m.

Frequently asked questions

Why is my magnolia being eaten?

Young magnolia leaves are particularly attractive to slugs and snails, which can give leaves a holey or lacy appearance. The best way to prevent this is to remove slugs and snails by hand – go out after dark with a torch, and pick them off the leaves and branches.

My magnolia leaves are turning yellow and eventually brown/black – what can I do?

Yellowing magnolia leaves are a sign of underwatering. If your magnolia is growing in a pot or too close to a wall or fence, it will not receive enough water from rainfall. You will therefore need to make additional applications of water to ensure the compost or soil around the magnolia’s roots are moist enough for healthy plant growth. Use stored rainwater instead of tap water if possible, adding a full watering can around once a week. Potted magnolias may need a more regular soaking, depending on weather conditions. Always ensure water can drain out of the bottom of the pot, so the compost doesn’t become waterlogged. 

Why are my magnolia leaves curling?

Leaf curling is usually a response to drought stress. Give your magnolia a good drink and then continue to water every few days in hot weather. Adding a thick mulch of bark chippings ariound the roots can help preserve moisture in the soil. 

* This article was originally published here

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