The table is such an important piece of Christmas for me and acts as the focus of so many wonderful memories each year. Festive breakfasts, games, midnight tipples and, of course, the main event: Christmas dinner. Therefore, it needs to look spectacular.
Here are the steps to create a beautiful and simple-to-make garland that will look stunning on your festive table.
You’ll need
- Large bunches of foliage and dried and fresh flowers. I’ve used eucalyptus, holly, Pittosporum, bay, rosemary, pine cones and wax flowers.
- Twine
Step by step

1. Gather a beautiful selection of foliage, dried flowers and berries. Try to find as many different varieties and colour tones as you can.

2. Cut a very long length of twine that will form the base of your garland. Next create lovely thick bunches using a variety of your foliage.

3. Lay each bunch on your twine starting at one end, and tie on very tightly where the stems meet the twine. Repeat along laying each bunch over the previous one until you reach your desired length.

4. Finish off with pine cones or a decoration of your choice. Simply tie these on in a natural staggered way throughout your garland.
Find more festive ideas for your home:
* This article was originally published here
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